Pamela C. Brannon
Coordinator of Faculty Services Law Library- Education
J.D., magna cum laude, University of Georgia
M.S.I.L.S., with distinction, Pratt Institute
A.B., University of Georgia
- Specializations
Intellectual Property
Legal Research
- Biography
Pam Brannon joined the Law Library in June 2007. As coordinator of faculty services, she oversees all aspects of the Law Library’s services to faculty, including research services, current awareness services, and special programs; provides reference assistance to college faculty, staff, and students, as well as members of the public; and participates in the maintenance of the Law Library’s website.
Prior to coming to Georgia State, Brannon held staff and student positions at libraries including the University of Georgia School of Law Library and the Research Libraries at the New York Public Library. While earning her J.D. at the University of Georgia, she served on the editorial and managing boards of the Journal of Intellectual Property Law.
Brannon is an active member the American Association for Law Libraries, the Southeastern Chapter of AALL and the Atlanta Law Libraries Association.
- Publications
Pamela C. Brannon, Review, ProQuest Regulatory Insight, 109 Law Libr. J. 484 (2017)
Pamela C. Brannon, Book Review - Signposts: New Directions in Southern Legal History, Ga. Libr. Q., Spr. 2016, at 48 (reviewing Signposts: New Directions in Southern Legal History (Sally E. Hadden & Patricia Hagler Minter, eds. 2013))
Pamela Brannon, Note, Reforming Copyright to Foster Innovation: Providing Access to Orphaned Works, 14 J. Intell. Prop. L. 145 (2007)
Popular Press
Pamela C. Brannon, More Efficient Research... For Free!, Ga. St. L. Alumni Mag., Wtr 2016, at 23.