Kristina L. Niedringhaus
Associate Dean for Law Library, Information Services, Legal Technology & Innovation; Faculty Director, Legal Analytics & Innovation Initiative Administration / Leadership, Law Library, Legal Analytics & Innovation Initiative- Education
J.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
M.A., University of Missouri – Columbia
B.A., Washington University in St. Louis
- Specializations
Legal Research
Legal Technology
- Biography
Kristina L. Niedringhaus, associate dean for law library, information services, legal technology & innovation; faculty director of the legal analytics & innovation initiative; and clinical professor of law, has written and presented on topics including legal technology, legal research, teaching methods, and law library management. She joined the College of Law in 2013 from Cleveland State University College of Law, where she was director of the law library and associate professor.
Dean Niedringhaus was named a 2023 Influential Women in Legal Tech by the International Legal Technology Association. She serves on the Executive Committee of the AALS Section on Technology, Law and Legal Education and has recently served as President of the CALI Board of Directors and on the Executive Board of the American Association of Law Libraries.
- Publications
Book Chapters
Kristina L. Niedringhaus, Georgia State University College of Law Library, in Organizational Structures of Academic Law Libraries: Past, Present, and Future, at 87 (Elizabeth G. Adelman & Jessica de Perio Wittman, eds., 2023).
Kristina L. Niedringhaus, Librarian Director as Manager of Union Employees: Staff, Analysis One, in Academic Law Library Director Perspectives: Case Studies and Insights 243 (Michelle M. Wu, ed. 2015).
Kristina L. Niedringhaus, Georgia Prestatehood Legal Research, in Prestatehood Legal Materials: A Fifty-State Research Guide, Including New York City and the District of Columbia (Michael Chiorazzi & Marguerite Most eds., 2005).
Kristina Niedringhaus, Final Thoughts, New Beginnings, AALL Spectrum, July/Aug. 2019, at 1.
Kristina Niedringhaus, Reimagining Education, AALL Spectrum, Mar./Apr. 2019, at 1.
Kristina Niedringhaus, Presidential Ponderings, Southeastern Law Libr., Wtr. 2019, at 1.
Kristina Niedringhaus, Presidential Ponderings, Southeastern Law Libr., Fall 2018, at 1.
Kristina L. Niedringhaus, Information Literacy in a Fake/False News World: Why Does it Matter and How Does it Spread?, 46 Int'l. J. Legal Info. 97 (2018).
Kristina Niedringhaus, Presidential Ponderings, Southeastern Law Libr., Summ. 2018, at 1.
Kristina Niedringhaus, Tackling Legal Technology: Creating Best Practices, July/Aug. 2018, at 1.
Kristina Niedringhaus, Presidential Ponderings, Southeastern Law Libr., Spr. 2018, at 1.
Kristina Niedringhaus, Lifelong Learning: May You Never Stop, AALL Spectrum, Mar./Apr. 2017, at 1.
Kristina L. Niedringhaus, An Incredible Legacy, 107 Law Libr. J. 153 (2015).
Kristina L. Niedringhaus ed., Memorial: Nancy P. Johnson (1949-2014), 107 Law Libr. J. 153 (2015).
Kristina L. Niedringhaus, Ethics Considerations Related to Legal Research Practices: A Selective Annotated Bibliography, 31 Legal Ref. Serv. Q. 104 (2012).
Kristina L. Niedringhaus, Teaching Better Research Skills by Teaching Metacognitive Ability, 18 Perspectives: Teaching Legal Research & Writing 113 (2010).
Kristina L. Niedringhaus, Book Review, 101 L. Libr. J. 227 (2009) (reviewing Frank G. Houdek, The First Century: One Hundred Years of AALL History, 1906-2005 (2008)).
Kristina L. Niedringhaus, Building for Future Change, AALL Spectrum, May 2007, at 20.
Kristina L. Niedringhaus, Book Review, Legal Information Alert, Feb. 2003, at 17 (reviewing Douglas S. Lavine, Cardinal Rules of Advocacy: Understanding and Mastering Fundamental Principles of Persuasion (2002)).
Popular Press
Kristina L. Niedringhaus, Legal Resources for the Bench and Bar at UT's LaValley Law Library, Toledo B. Ass'n Newsl., October 1999, at 5
AALL Spectrum (Kristina L. Niedringhaus, ed., 2016-2019).
Kristina Niedringhaus & Elizabeth Adelman, Mastering Looseleaf Services, CALI (May 24, 2009).