Anthony Michael Kreis
Assistant Professor of Law- Education
Ph.D., University of Georgia
J.D., Washington and Lee University
B.A., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Specializations
Administrative Law
Civil Liberties
Constitutional Law
Employment and Labor
Legal History
- Biography
Professor Anthony Michael Kreis joined Georgia State University College of Law faculty in 2020, and holds a courtesy appointment with the department of Political Science. At the College of Law, he teaches constitutional law and employment discrimination. Professor Kreis’s academic interests span the areas of constitutional law, civil rights, legislation, the law of democracy, and American political development.
His research uses qualitative empirical methods and doctrinal analysis to assess how social change and the law interact and affect each other. A great deal of Professor Kreis’s research focuses on the relationship between American political history and the development of law over time.
Professor Kreis has published articles in several law reviews, including the George Washington Law Review, Illinois Law Review, Georgia Law Review, and the University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law. His book, "Constitutional Law and the Force of History," is currently under contract with the University of California Press. Online companions to the Texas Law Review, Yale Law Journal, and Harvard Law Review have also featured his work. He regularly contributes legal commentary and analysis to international and national media including The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, The Los Angeles Times, USA Today, National Public Radio, CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, the BBC (British Broadcast Corporation) and the ABC (Australian Broadcast Corporation).
Active in law reform efforts, Professor Kreis has participated in civil rights litigation and civil rights legislative initiatives. He co-authored amicus briefs in major civil rights cases before the United States Supreme Court, including Bostock v. Clayton County and Comcast v. National Association of African American-Owned Media. In addition to appearances in state legislatures across the country, he has testified numerous times before the Georgia General Assembly about marriage, civil rights, employment discrimination, LGBTQ rights, and religious liberty. In 2017, Professor Kreis authored the Illinois state law banning gay and transgender panic defenses in murder trials, the second law of its kind in the United States, which has served as a model for other jurisdictions.
Before coming to Georgia State Law, Professor Kreis taught at Chicago-Kent College of Law. He also completed a Ph.D. in political science and public administration at the University of Georgia. Kreis was a visiting scholar-in-residence at Emory University School of Law while a doctoral student. Before his time at the University of Georgia, Professor Kreis earned his law degree from Washington and Lee University and a bachelor’s degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
- Publications
Defensive Glass Ceilings
88 GEO. WASH. L. REV. 147 (2020)Dead Hand Vogue
54 U. RICH. L. REV. 705 (2020) (invited symposium)Policing the Painted and Powdered
41 CARDOZO L. REV. 399 (2019)Stages of Constitutional Grief: Democratic Constitutionalism and the Marriage Revolution
20 U. PA. J. CONST. L. 871 (2018)Against Gay Potemkin Villages: Title VII and Sexual Orientation Discrimination
96 TEX. L. REV. ONLINE 1 (2017)Amputating Rights-Making
69 HASTINGS L.J. 95 (2017)Marriage Demosprudence
2016 ILL. L. REV. 1679Marriage Equality in State and Nation
22 WM. & MARY BILL RTS. J. 747 (2014)Lawrence Meets Libel: Squaring Constitutional Norms with Sexual-Orientation Defamation
122 YALE L.J. ONLINE 125 (2012)Book Chapters
"Hobby Lobby v. Burwell" in FEMINIST JUDGMENTS: REWRITTEN REPRODUCTIVE JUSTICE (Kimberly Mutcherson, ed.) (Cambridge University Press 2020)
"Family Law and Civil Rights Movements: Examining the Influence of Courts and Legislatures on Racial and Sexual Orientation Equality" in THE CONTESTED PLACE OF RELIGION IN FAMILY LIFE (Robin Fretwell Wilson, ed.) (Cambridge University Press 2018)
"Comparative Judicial Efficiency: Examining Case Disposition in Five Countries’ Courts of Last Resort"
in RESEARCH HANDBOOK ON LAW AND COMPARATIVE ECONOMICS (with Robert K. Christensen and John Szmer) (Theodore Eisenberg and Giovanni B. Ramello, eds.) (Edward Elgar 2016)"Courts and Policy in the United States" in ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND PUBLIC POLICY 3rd Edition (with Robert K. Christensen) (Domonic Bearfield and Melvin Dubnick, eds.) (Taylor & Francis 2015)
Essays & Other Publications
Contagion and the Right to Travel
HARV. L. REV. BLOG (2020) (invited)Under Ten Eyes
76 WASH. & LEE L. REV. ONLINE 107 (2020) (invited response)Delete Your Account
55 IDAHO L. REV. 199 (2019) (invited symposium)Picking Spinach
50 LOY. U. CHI. L.J 399 (2018) (invited symposium)A Fresh Look at Title VII: Hively v. Ivy Tech and Sexual Orientation Discrimination as Sex Discrimination
35 ILL. PUB. EMP. REL. REP. 4 (2018) (invited article)Unhinging Same-Sex Marriage from the Constitutional Canon: The Search for a Principled Doctrinal Framework
63 EMORY L.J. ONLINE 2001 (2014)Embracing Compromise: Marriage Equality and Religious Liberty in the Political Process
15 GEO. J. GENDER & L. 485 (2014) (with Robin Fretwell Wilson) (invited symposium)Law and Policy
41 POLICY STUD. J. S38 (2013) (peer reviewed) (with Robert K. Christensen)The Overlooked Benefit of Minimalism: Perry v. Brown and the Future of Marriage Equality
37 N.Y.U. REV. L. & SOC. CHANGE 35 (2013) (with Robin Fretwell Wilson) (invited symposium)Gay Gentrification: Whitewashed Fictions of LGBT Privilege and the New Interest-Convergence Dilemma
31 LAW & INEQ. 117 (2013)Educational Media Company at Virginia Tech v. Swecker
62 S.C. L. REV. 533 (2011) (solicited case comment)