The Urban Fellows Program is an initiative of the Center for the Comparative Study of Metropolitan Growth in the College of Law. Top graduate students are selected from across Georgia State University and Georgia Tech’s School of City and Regional Planning to study and discuss issues related to urban growth with decision-makers.
Benefits of Participating in the Program:
- Broaden your awareness about urban and environmental issues by attending the exclusive speaker series
- Build your network of professionals with similar interests
- Develop cross-disciplinary contacts at GSU and other universities in Atlanta
- Receive guidance and direction to write a paper of publishable quality and earn course credit
- Learn about job opportunities, volunteer opportunities, writing competitions, and more
- Boost your resume
Program Requirements:
- Lecture Series: Distinguished speakers from academics, government, and the private sector talk about a variety of urban and environmental issues. Student interest helps direct the types of speakers we select.
- The Urban Fellows class is scheduled for 4-5:40 p.m. on Mondays and will be an online course. Participation during class time is mandatory and students must have their cameras on during the course and be prepared to have discussions. It is a one-semester (fall) course and is worth 2 credit hours.
- The lectures are different every year. Examples of the types of lectures we schedule Atlanta Regional Commission updates; Resilient Cities; Water and Natural Resources; Education; Transportation; History of Atlanta.
- Mandatory Research Paper & Presentation –All Urban Fellows must write a research paper of publishable quality on any urban, growth management, or environmental law and policy issue. Suggested paper topics will be provided for students needing help developing an idea. This course satisfies the COL’s writing requirement. Students will briefly present their research to the class. For non-law graduate students, faculty advisors from your department are welcome to supervise your papers.
How to Apply & Register:
- Law Students: Law students will self-register for the fall class during the registration period.
- Applications are being accepted now. Complete the application online at: Urban Fellows Program - College of Law ( – scroll down to “How to Apply” to find it
- Register for: LAW 7494 for 2 credit hours on Mondays online from 4-5:40 p.m.
- Non-Law Students:
- Applications are being accepted now. Complete the application online at: Urban Fellows Program - College of Law ( – scroll down to “How to Apply” to find it. Acceptances will be emailed with a request for your Panther ID.
- Registration: The law school registrar will need to manually add you to the course using your Panther ID. Credit hours will be billed at the law school rate. The course is LAW 7494 for 2 credit hours and will be online on Mondays from 4-5:40 p.m.
Apply Online: Urban Fellows Program - College of Law (
Contact Karen Johnston at [email protected] with any additional questions.